Monday, December 14, 2015

Bionic Hipster Glasses - the code behind

If you want to make something special for this Halloween, this is your chance!
For a few lines of code,

Just copy-paste the code blow into an new Arduino sketch.

//          ____   _                _        ______                
//         / __ ) (_)____   ____   (_)_____ / ____/__  __ ___      
//        / __  |/ // __ \ / __ \ / // ___// __/  / / / // _ \     
//       / /_/ // // /_/ // / / // // /__ / /___ / /_/ //  __/     
//      /_____//_/ \____//_/ /_//_/ \___//_____/ \__, / \___/      
//                                              /____/             
//              Created by Yair Kapach 2015
//        For build details and more, please visit: 
//    you're welcome to hack it, break it and have fun !
#include <Servo.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define SERVO_PIN 9
#define BT_RX_PIN 10
#define BT_TX_PIN 11

Servo eye;
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(BT_RX_PIN, BT_TX_PIN);

int pos = 60;  
int lastPos = pos;

void setup()
  bluetooth.begin(9600);                // initialize communication
  eye.attach(SERVO_PIN);                // initialize servo
  eye.write(pos);                       // look ahead :)

void loop()
  if (bluetooth.available()) {           // try and read if available
    int data =;         // read a single character
    pos = map(data, '0', '9', 10, 110);  // convert digit to degrees
  if (lastPos != pos) {                  // don't resend the same values
    lastPos = pos;

Download any Bluetooth terminal app, I preferred one with custom hotkeys, you can set buttons 0-9 to send any data once clicked.
Since our protocol is quite dumb, button 0 sends '0', 1 sends '1' and so on...

Happy Halloween.